Turning best-selling books into interactive video lectures to increase VideoAsk’s brand awareness.

  • To increase VideoAsk’s brand awareness among entrepreneurs, we hijacked their attention building into our product the thing they’re all passionate about: self-improvement books.

  • We co-created interactive video lectures with best-selling authors, focused on creating a delightful and unique experience to keep viewers engaged.

Takeaways is a brand awareness campaign for VideoAsk that featured best-selling authors sharing their book’s ideas in interactive video lectures built on VideoAsk.



Get the product in the hands of a new audience with a value-first approach, while demonstrating our most converting features.




VideoAsk’s top-of-the-funnel growth had tanked with Facebook’s privacy udpates.

In its early stages, VideoAsk was too dependent on Facebook to grow. After a few months and some privacy updates by Facebook, top-of-the-funnel growth started to tank. We needed to find a way to get the product in front of a new audience in an organic way.

The product was hard for people to understand without experiencing it.

The problem with innovative products is that they need to be explained, or even better, experienced. We wanted to find an engaging way for people to experience the product before they weren’t in “buy mode”


We recruited two of our favorite best-selling authors to share the main ideas of their most popular books.


Rob Fitzpatrick

Rob has been an entrepreneur for more than fourteen years and has written three books about his business learnings. His books are taught at top universities like Columbia and Harvard Business School.


Michael Bungay Stanier

Founder of Box of Crayons, and best-selling author of The Coaching Habit, Michael Bungay Stanier has helped train thousands of leaders around the world to be more curious and have more impact.


We gave the campaign its own visual identity to create a more expressive and engaging experience.

Based on his best-selling book, The Coaching Habit, Michael Bungay Stanier shows you how to become a better leader and get the most from each interaction.


Based on his best-selling book, The Mom Test, Rob Fitzpatrick takes you through how to get honest feedback that you can actually use, from your customers.


Qualitative feedback on the experience was incredible.


“Thank you!
A really good format to transport key messages”


“The way that this whole training was presented was useful - it's given me ideas on how to better engage people”



Key insight

Building the experience around the authors made the content personal and people felt more compelled to engage.

Rob’s lecture had a simple linear approach and got 9% completion rate.

Michael’s lecture had a complex branching approach and got 5% completion rate.


The lecture with a simple linear approach on storytelling, had nearly 2x completion rate.

Key insight

The illusion of interaction is more engaging than real control over the experience.



67% Engagement rate

This content program got more than 2x engagement rate (media loads/media plays) than Typeform’s biggest brand awareness campaign: Meaningful, which got an average of 28%.

3.5% Lead conversion rate

We tracked the number of emails captured as a secondary metric. The campaign converted leads at an average of 3.5%. As a benchmark, Meaningful got an average of 2.32% (industry standard).

Got a question?
I might have an answer 🙃


Project credits


Joanna Delaney

Marketing Strategist


Susannah Benkharn

Product Marketing

Dimitra Papastathi

Sr Designer

Pau Bacardit

Video Editor

Marc Vilarnau

Content Creator

Stéphane Gérin

Line & Content



Creating a brand for Typeform's latest product


Rebranding Typeform, the popular online forms platform.